Saturday, March 06, 2010

Maybe this isn't a good idea?

I'm out of shape, still overweight, and in general feel exhausted and crappy.

So what am I doing this weekend?

Walking the Little Rock Half-Marathon! Isn't that a SWELL idea? The farthest I've gone in the past two months is just around 4 miles, and it made my feet hurt. I'm sure 13 will be no problem ... right??

Yes, this is probably not the smartest thing I've ever done. I know that I can do it, I'm a tough cookie - but it's going to hurt. I'm guessing that I'll start regretting it somewhere between miles 6 and 8, and wishing for death by mile 11. I know that I can walk that far, it's more that my joints, bones and muscles aren't going to be willing to accept that.

My overall hope is that I enjoy myself and remember how much I love to race and how much I love being a part of endurance sport. I know it'll bother me to just be walking, and to be really freakin' slow, so I'm hoping the experience encourages me to get back into serious training. I really want to run again and to shoot for those personal bests and to compete in multisport. Most importantly, I want to feel good about myself and hopefully get back a body that somewhat resembles the one I had two years ago.

I'm guessing that it's not the *best* idea I've had, but it's probably the best thing I could do to kick myself in the ass.

Stay tuned for a report ...

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