Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Let's Run with Babies

Wow! I'm bad about writing posts and then never posting them ..... this one is almost a full week old!! Bad Jenn!!

Ok, so I didn't make my goals last week, but I am still pleased with a few things.

First, I did my first 5K in almost two years! The only race I've done since having Gremlin was a 2 miler back in February. This past weekend, there was a local Grand Prix race that had a very reasonable registration fee of $15 so Bryan and I decided to participate. Not only was this my first 5K in a LONG time, but also my first race pushing the Gremlin. Of course, as most racers know - jogging strollers are pretty much universally banned. I understand this from a liability perspective, but as running parents, it sucks to always have to choose which one sits out the race. I would never push an illegal stroller in a very large or crowded event, but I knew this was a small race and that with my slow pace I wouldn't be in anyone's way. I also had planned to slow down and let folks go in front of me in the finish chute if necessary since a stroller can definitely get in the way there.

Anyway,for the race I went with a 3 minute walk, 2 minute jog combo and it worked pretty well! I found that the 2 minute period of jogging was definitely a challenge but not too strenuous. I'm sure I could have gone faster overall, but I was only looking to get in a good workout as opposed to "race." In the end, I finished in 40:31 which is slower than my first 5K over three years ago ... but it WAS a stroller PR!!

My other point of praise is my long run this weekend. I had 6 miles on the schedule which was a little daunting given that I haven't gone farther than 4 miles since Gremlin was a wee embryo. I decided to take it nice and slow and watch my heart rate. The whole family hit the River Trail since Bryan had 10 miles on his schedule. I had Gremlin packed in the BOB and off we went! It was a foggy morning but there were plenty of folks out there to keep us company and to keep the Gremlin amused. It was a great workout! I did a 3 minute walk, 1 minute jog and felt really good throughout. I did notice that my heartrate was climbing pretty high towards the end and not recovering as well on my walk breaks. This just proves that my cardio still has a long way to go. The Gremlin fussed just a little at the start but after handing him a bottle, he was golden (thank goodness we have the BOB console which has room for my water bottle and HIS bottle or cup!!).

Bryan finished his 10 miles not to long after us and then the whole family headed to Panera for coffee and bagels. I might have missed the mark on some goals, but I managed a race and my farthest run in a LONG time. Not too shabby!

Oh yeah, and that long run was on my birthday! How about that for making my training a priority :)

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