Monday, July 23, 2007

Just one more satisfied Muggle

ATTN: There will be NO SPOILERS in this post!!!

Like many people across the world, I too was anxiously awaiting my pre-ordered copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows this weekend. I loved how the boxes from Amazon were stamped, "Attention Muggles - Do Not Open Before July 21" and I was wondering how many UPS employees had taken advantage and smuggled their copies home a day early.

I got my copy in the afternoon, but I had plans with my friend LD and her two adorable daughters. We had a nice dinner of Thai food (which I will sorely miss upon my return to Little Rock) and then a fun evening hanging out at their house. When I made it home later that evening, I only managed to read the first 60 pages before becoming too tired to go on. I woke up Sunday with all intentions of doing NOTHING but reading all day long, preferably in my jammies on my couch. I got about 300 pages into it before a massive migraine sidelined me. It took two Imitrex and several hours in a dark room before I could continue. I finally came to the end this morning and I'll just say that the entire book was quite satisfying.

I will also say this ... if you fail to read the WHOLE BOOK and just skip to the end (JCR - you know I mean you) I think you will really ruin the experience. This book takes the reader on an amazing journey along the way, and I for one was immensely happy that I had been unspoiled and had no idea what was coming.


JCR said...

I was at Target yesterday, and there was a display of these books. We saw a woman pick one up and read the last page! I thought, "Right on! I'd do the same thing."

Anonymous said...

JCR, Go directly to Jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

ObfusK8 said...

I had to read the last page because I won't get to read the book for a while and I didn't want someone else to spoil it for me. Andrew has the book in Alabama right now, and I'm trying to finish 6 before we pick them up so I can read it on the ride home!