Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Lost Car or Lost Nurse??

I don't know why it is, but for some reason my car CONSTANTLY gets lost in the hospital parking lot here. Notice I say that MY CAR gets lost as opposed to me just forgetting where I put it. I've worked at several hospitals, all with large parking lots or structures and before that I worked in government buildings that also had large parking lots. I never had problems finding my cars there, so what's the problem with this new hospital??? Why did it take 10 minutes of aimlessly wandering up and down aisles this morning, hitting the panic button on my keychain hoping for a signal in a crazy game of hot and cold, before I finally found my car?? And my car is pretty distinctive, bright red, not an overly popular model - I'd be screwed if I drove an Explorer - and I have a roof rack attached, all items that usually make it easy to spot.

Yet it continues to elude me, and the hunt is made even more stressful by the parking space vultures following me - you know, the people who slowly idle their cars behind you as you walk, desparately hoping that you're going to get into a car, drive off and produce a beuatifully located space for them. I'm pretty sure they were wondering if I was drunk, or just being rude as I'd walk one way, then another, hop up on my tip toes looking and hoping.

At least today I felt a sense of solidarity when a doctor walking my way smiled and said, "That look is familiar! They need to number these damn rows!!"


Chrissy said...

Maybe put a funny thing on the car antenna like those tiny ping pong or something? I am known to lose my car more than once a day, until finally the political bumper sticker on the back makes it easy to spot, even though I'm not a fan of bumper stickers...hubby's doing, not mine.

JCR said...

I vote "lost nurse." Remember the missing car incident the night of Chrissy's surprise party...? I think we looked for 30 minutes!

Jenn said...

Ok there were THREE of us at that mall, I couldn't solely be responsible for finding it!!!!

though as I recall, I did use the "panic" button that time as well and I think the honking led us to the right level in the garage.

oh, I miss my little purple escort....

Chrissy said...

Heehee..I was going to bring that up, but let JCR do it! ;-) How funny was that! I thought it was part of the ploy.