Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Continued Misery

I just can't seem to shake this cold, flu, pneumonia, whatever the heck it is!! I haven't had a fever since Friday so I thought I was well on the road to recovery, but now it's s ettled firmly in my chest. Every breath I take causes pain in my right upper lobe, and everytime I cough, I have to splint myself to stop the stabbing pain. I've had chest colds before but this is different. Usually I have snotty head and nose and it then runs down my chest, but this time the course was so different. I've not had a very stuffy head, and my chest has just felt tight. When the stabbing pain developed in that specific part of my lung tonight, I finally realized that I might have a pneumonia. I've never had pneumonia before, I listened to my breath sounds trying to discern crackles (it's a hallmark of pneumonia) but I think I'll have to break down and actually go to a doctor.

Even though I'm a nurse, I'm not big on doctor's. I firmly believe that most sniffles are just viruses that your body needs to fight off and no antibiotics are truly going to help that. It might make you feel better to take a pill - that placebo effect, but in general most upper respiratory infections are not bacterial ... same with ear infections, and overuse of antibiotics has not resulted in virulent drug resistant strains that are quite scary.

So we'll see what happens, hopefully I can convince them to give me a chest x-ray - who cares about the copay or cost. I'm just tired of being sick.


Jessica Johnston-Myers said...

Eeeekkk! I am so sorry that you are still feeling craptacular! Here's hoping for healthy Jenn, and soon!

: ) jjm

JCR said...

You HAVE to go to the doctor!!! I hope you feel better soon.

The Lazy Triathlete said...

There comes a time when you can't beat it that you need professional help. Go get well!!!!