Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Yes, I went to the doctor

I knew that I needed to go to a doctor at work Monday night, so I asked one of my nurse friends for her recommendation of a family practice office. They don't have any "urgent care" or "walk in" places here (which I think is weird) and I'm sure most of you know that getting care in an ER should only be attempted when you have giant, penetrating, sucking wounds or limbs falling off. The new doctor's office was able to get me in that afternoon and they took down all of my insurance and personal info over the phone so we wouldn't have to mess with it when I got there. During the day I was in more misery with temps up to 102.5 and the general inability to sit up without BJ's assistance. At the doctor's office I had to fill out an 8, yes 8, page health history form. Wow! They wanted to have me figured out by the time the doc walked in the door!!!

I got a flu screen (i.e. q-tip showed deep up inside the nares of my nose), some blood work, and a physical assessment with the determination of a respiratory infection. The nurse was convinced it was flu, but I knew it wasn't, I know hallmark flu signs and I didn't have them. The doc started me on antibiotics because my white count was high and I was having fever again and he also gave me some hydrocodone for my cough - I LOVE this doctor!!!

I will allegedly feel better in 24 - 48 hours after starting on my antibiotics. I'll let you know.

P.S. We had no tornadoes around here.


Anonymous said...

There's one walk-in evening/weekend clinic that I know of: St. Vincent, just south of Asher and University.

I went in there on a Sunday afternoon when a light bit of veritgo turned into a nightmare.

St. Vincent Family Clinic/South University
Address: 4202 S. University Ave., Little Rock
Phone: (501) 562-4838
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, 1-5 p.m.
Pediatrician Available: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-noon

JCR said...

Oh good!! I'm glad you went and got some meds. Hopefully they'll kick in soon and you'll feel better.

That IS strange about no urgent care places. We seem to have one on every corner...

Anonymous said...

Well, that's ancient history. Just saying that they're there, they're open, and I've used them!

Jenn said...

Nita, I appreciate the info! I was simply walking around my unit at the hospital asking other nurses and no one seemed to know of an urgent care clinic. I also looked in the yellow pages and couldn't find anything for walk-ins.

Apparently they're a shadowy organization here in little rock and they want to lay low :)

Ken said...

I'd also point out that there is a walk in clinic over by Sports Authority and Barnes&Noble. It's called Your Family Doctors (I think). Drs. Barrow.

Glad you are feeling better.


The Lazy Triathlete said...

It has now been over 48 hours. I hope you are feeling better.

ObfusK8 said...

I hope you are feeling better by now!