Sunday, August 30, 2009

Snaps for the Family that trains together

Woo Hoo!! I made my goals this week!

It was by the skin of my teeth, but I did it!! I left it all til the end of the week which isn't ideal for training, but Hey!! I did it!!! I walk/ran on Thursday and Friday, then today I did my 3 mile "long" run. (Which is almost embarrassing to say since 3 hardly qualifies as long in any sense of the word.)

Bryan and I both wanted to ride, so we tried the family workout. We've done it once before and it was quite successful. We take both bikes, the jogging stroller and Gremlin to the River Trail and then take turns - while one person rides, the other runs with the Gremlin. We meet back at the car at a predetermined time and switch. Today I did a 30 minute bike ride first, then pushed the Gremlin for my 3 miles. He was a little fussy when he and I first started, but it was nap time so he eventually gave it up and fell asleep.  It was a beautiful, uncharacteristic August day for Arkansas, temps in the 70s, sunny and not too humid.  I felt pretty good on my run, but I need to get my butt used to being on a bike again. I kept shifting my weight and getting out of the saddle while trying to find a comfy spot to put my butt bones.  One would think that biking would be more comfy with the extra natural padding my pregnancy added .... ummm not so much.  I also totally wimped out on the one hill I encountered and had to get off half-way up and push. I had the bike in the lowest gear and thought I could manage, but when I realized I was practically motionless, I decided to clip out before I fell over.

In any case, I'm glad that I made my goals for the week. I'm thankful for a nice brick workout and say the whole family deserves snaps for working out together!!!

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