Tuesday, October 02, 2007

What's in a name?

Apparently my blog is read by dozens of traditionalists as evidenced by my poll results. 30/46 voters (65%) believe I should take BJ's name, while only 3 measly people (6%) think I should retain my own identity. Of course I do happen to know that my readership does consist of several members of BJs family ... so I am slightly suspicious to say the least :) 21% said go with the hyphen, while another 3% said it really doesn't matter.

After receiving a bribe from BJ (yes I'm weak, I can be bought with pretty baubles) I agreed that I would change my name. I plan on hyphenating because first of all I think it sounds good hyphenated (he agrees) and second I could not live with just taking his last name. I would become Jennifer Jones, or Jenn Jones, or YIKES Jenni Jones!! It would create alliteration which I am opposed to and it makes me sound like a porn star ... or an infamous talk show host ... at the very least a blonde and I am none of the above.

Of course in the end, as long as you don't dare call me Mrs. BJ Jones we'll all get along.


Kevin said...

I wanted to see how long it would take you see that. Plus, its pretty hard for a boy with a Georgia Public School education to spell Verbose!!

Jessica Johnston-Myers said...

There's nothing wrong with a hyphen. Of course, I'm biased.

: ) jjm