Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Peace in 2008

Doesn't the song go - let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me?

Maybe it's not me, but clearly my household is feeling the love. I don't know if it's the arrival of winter cold or the thawing of months held jealousy, but we've caught Oakley and Cleo cozied up in the dog bed together twice! As a dog parent, there's nothing better than seeing your kids get along, especially after such a rocky start. I felt guilty about moving in with BJ and upsetting Cleo's life with so many changes after being the apple of her Daddy's eye for many years, but I really think she's a happier dog now. Seeing how her and Oakley have grown to love each other has just been awesome.

Maybe I'm just one of those crazy dog people, but I do honestly love my dogs like children. I can't even imagine how I'll feel about human children when they finally make their appearance. I just hope that the dogs will accept whatever changes may come and we'll continue in our happy family of furry and not so furry critters!

Now if only this peace could spread to other parts of the world, what a wonderful place it would be.

1 comment:

JCR said...

What a sweet picture!! I'm sure you guys will still love your dogs like kids when human kids come along. Unlike me, who sometimes forgets we even HAVE cats until I step in vomit.